Sunday, 31 May 2015

A bit of a weird catchup...

Hi There!

Well I'm sorry to say it has been a while since I have posted, and if I'm honest a lot of stuff has happened since then. I guess it is time for me to let rip and have some therapy by talking about everything that has happened. 

I guess the biggest thing that has happened is that I have finally left sixth form. It hasn't properly hit me yet, so there haven't actually been that many tears, but I know it is all to come. I have to say though, we did pull off some amazing pranks though before we left. This may or may not have involved filling up a whole corridor with balloons, creating a flashmob during breaktime, and storming the staffroom at lunch. It was by far the weirdest, and probably best day of my school time and something that will make me smile every time I think of it. Not only that, same day we all ended up going to the pub with our teachers, and doing shots with teachers is definitely an experience I'm not going to lie. 

Another major thing that has happened, I say major, it's not really major, but it is something that has happened. Last week, someone very very close to me mentioned something about my weight. I'm not going to lie, I'm not exactly the skinniest girl in the world, but I'm definitely not the largest. I never really thought much about my weight, it has never really bothered me before. This comment however did actually make me really upset and self-conscious. This made me realise that I do have some secret insecurities, and I guess everyone else has them as well. This means people need to be careful about what they say to others because they do not know how it effects them or how deeply it may hurt them.

Not going to lie, in the past couple of weeks where I haven't posted anything, they have been the two key things that have happened. I clearly need a more interesting life if the two main things that have happened in about three weeks is me leaving school and being told to lose weight haha. But oh well, back to me lovely lay Sunday where I should be doing revision. 

I guess I shall try and be more interesting and post more often,

Girl Without A Plan, Making Plans

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