Hi there!
Welcome to my blog whoever you are. I have tried writing blogs so many times now but I haven't been able to maintain one, but I think this one is going to be different. I have decided that now is the time for me to just let it all out there and not worry about what everyone thinks of me. For so many years I have worried about what people have thought of me, but now that is going to change. I have left school, so that means moving on in life and meeting many new people that hopefully will not judge me. I have left behind the people I have been going to school with everyday for 7 years, and actually, the thought of that scares me. But I guess that's life. Things have to change for you to be able to build as a person, and it is how you deal with that change that makes you you. I am a person who is scared of change, but maybe that is because I don't actually have a plan.
And that brings me on to the name of this blog, Girl Without A Plan. Because that is me. I am a Girl Without A Plan. I've left school, am at university, but I have no idea where that will take me. And I guess for many other people out there you don't know where the future is taking you either. But that is why I am making this blog. To show that it is alright to not have a plan. You can be spontaneous and take everyday as it comes, or plan so far in advance and forget about the now. For me, I want to make the most of my life because you only get one, and I really don't want to waste it.
Now for people who have actually managed to read and understand this far into the post, I guess I want you to know a little bit more about me. I want this blog to be anonymous so I don't want to give away to much information, but I guess a bit of information won't do any harm. So get ready for a list of facts...
1) I'm a 19 year old girl.
2) Currently coping at University
3) I may or may not be a Netflix addict (so if I don't post for a while it's probably because I'm engrossed in a new TV series)
4) I'm slightly addicted to the Divergent series (and yes I know how it ends and OMG don't even get me started!!!)
5) I think I'm in love..... with my cat
6) I do have anxiety and I do have panic attacks (but shhhhhh, it's a secret)
7) I love the sea
9) I really want to dip dye my hair.
10) I definitely don't have a plan!!!!
So there are 10 facts for you that I hope you find interesting. They are probably really boring for you, but if you want to find out anything more, don't hesitate to ask. I really want people to understand me as a person. But I guess for now, that's it. There's nothing more for me to say. So I'm out.
Girl Without A Plan, Making Plans
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